The federal coalition focused on capital movement after starting to trend, again denying the public READ MORE NEWS

7:15 AM

The federal coalition focused on capital movement began agitating jethavata after a long movement due to impatient people succumb again to the village to have reached. Exit even cheaper than an unbalanced emphasis on movement politics has no asthiramatra people have been affected, including log. Here, the agitating parties and on the other hand will not be ready for at least the outlet of the main parties magaharuprati serious lack of people who are denying.

During the movement, the United Democratic Madhesi movement expense carkairaheko Front demands to return until the capital was taken a stand. But the border barrier, declining public support for the movement, the direct cooperation of neighboring India janaakrosa, nakabandivata created a problem was compelled to suspend the movement managed to Front reasons.

Since they arrived baisakhasamma standing front of the capital movement became focused. Coordinate it, including some chief sangathanaharusanga federal coalition was ready. Left Front movement, including obstacles which borders the capital sihandaravarasamma will come to a positive measure for the pressure to give the analysts said. The accusation that the movement for social movement of people is too low to support a sawmill and the government will be compelled to agree to his demand andolanakariharuko is claimed.

This is the time when the oppression of the movement is not unduly aggravate people is said that many people. The government has sent a formal letter asking for dialogue and negotiation chalaphalavata the exit when it has already been suggested to seek a ransom. Both the government and protestors insist sacrificing his Claimant agreed to forward at least for the time being out of the question, no stress on Exit. But the politics of avoidance accepting it good man who does not even.g14

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