Historic Queen Lake and Gopal started to rebuild the temple, 6 months, this will become a Queen Lake READ MORE NEWS

6:46 AM

Kathmandu Rani temple in the middle part of the reconstruction of the historic balagopalesvara for the Department of Archaeology has been started to destroy the pacts today. Damage caused by the earthquake of May 12, Gopal temple and Rani had decided to rebuildRA.Gopal temple is going to be rebuilt, including the reconstruction of the entire Rani in charge kN kg valrdavaida Kandel said tariff. Every year in the middle of the recession balagopalesvara bhaitikako only Opening day has come. The first day is out of the temple steeple. For some time, the deadline to start the demolition work due to a variety of domestic workers, says the delay in work.

If all the gods of the house for some time has. Throwing water in the pool for reconstruction work has already begun. Ensure that the fish is taken baisadharama apprehended. The water in the pond throwing sakesamgai as important work will start throwing mud slide. Nearly four hundred years of throwing mud pool is not cleaned much manpower needed for work, the cost, where the clay is not sure that devolves according to the Kathmandu Metropolitan City.

Rani reconstruction in some places under electricity will be connected to the vivid and ponds around the bar for the protection of building, plant, and greenery will be described. We plan to work during the reconstruction of the pond is mentioned.


The historic importance and that Metropolitan Pratap Malla Malla cakravratendra youngest son's death, the queen refused to free the history of the building. BS 1725 to 1727 by two years, Lake has been built. Hattimathi south corner of the pond climbed Pratap Malla and his sons is a white statue. Pokharikai four corners of the house. Visnutirtha also called the Rani is being observed for some years, also being observed.

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