The budget can not be implemented papulista economy economist warned abyss puraune READ MORE NEWS

6:57 AM

KATHMANDU, May 3. Arthaviddhaharule came to the implementation of government policy and program budget NG anusarakai abyss to bring the country's economy after the quake warning.

Reporters Club Nepal on Monday, organized by the former Chief Secretary Bimal Koirala Upadhyay, including the ability to spend and bring the structure of merchandise trade alone, saying the current policy and program delivery, according to the budget came to an abyss that the country's economy, warned.

Reporters Club, Pun said, "according to the implementation status of, practical, productivity and employment creation appear caregiver must bring the budget. But according to the policy and program budget that could not come. Only literature and unnecessary things come full budget. '

Koirala budget Karnali past a house with a nation-state as a home rojagarakolagi able to work in a job saying slogan sarakaralair impossible to create employment, including information of how the allegations.

He said, "What the sugar into the altuphaltu not all that sweet. This policy and program according to the budget if the budget is not sufficient for 30 trillion. So a small budget, but were forged forged useful and implementation of the budget.

Dr. arthaviddha. India budget Pyakurel effect if the budget can not address administrative and governance mechanism, saying it would be a failure until you change any budget can not be implemented, he said.

Since humans are present and the present budget emergency and interim government to be blamed as the implementation of the said budget fears by making the implementation of the large size is said to have been observed phantusamatrai.

The government has yet to bring Pyakurel papulista budget because of the implementation of the people's fears, saying the coming budget, including the implementation.

He Rs 325 billion in irregular, pujigata could not spend, spend foreign grant to extend the implementation of the budget situation is not so simple could not have been said in the past, why not implement the commitments that have been stressed about the budget can evaluations.

So far he had not rajyalelagani failing to create jobs when construction plots reasoning and ashes to create jobs for the future, the end of the budget kalavajari to increase our investment in industry and agriculture to address the issues in depth method as claimed budget targets must be fulfilled

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