Starting from early implementation of the new traffic fines perplexed told READ MORE NEWS

10:31 PM

Metropolitan Traffic Police Division ramasahapathale apply the new penalty kick stating clearly has not suspended. Traffic Police Division SSP to kick off Milan Basnet said that the new penalties apply. 'Suspended fine to come into nirdaisana rehabilitation, "he said.

 DSP Division pakhrinale Gyanendra also apply to the information given to kick off the new fines. DSP pakhrinale subordinate bodies to implement the new penalties have given nirdaisana said. Friday evening, the discussion of traffic professionals to take back the new fines urged Home Minister Basnet immediately after the Minister power to apply to traffic fines which should remain assured that Nepal Transportation Entrepreneurs urged the president of the National Federation Saroj Sitaula said.

Home Minister Trade Union and we maintain the discussion decided to immediately suspend an agreement to have, he said, "two SC discuss the new fines enforcement decisions will be. 'But the Home Ministry spokesperson Yadav Koirala Transportation Entrepreneurs new fine discussed, saying any decision would no longer . Apply today and decided to continue to discuss and come to behold solve problems, he added.

Lalitpur traffic police chief Sitaram hachemthule new fines applied in the morning and had not said no instructions to stop Division. 9 Article 164 of the Law on Traffic Act 04 of

In the second week of April, the law, fines are fines was increased to 20 percent. Those who violate traffic rules has been growing every day and it added that the traffic police has brought new rules. First, the minimum penalty was a maximum of Rs 50 a fining traffic. But according to the new rule at least 5 hundred, and the demand for a maximum penalty of 15 is assigned.

Apply today and the traffic fines

500 permissible kasuraharu

1 more goods than specified exercise
2 vehicles weighing more lightweight vehicle runs on the field to determine the extent
3 people in other parts of vehicles and goods put
4 Purpose Vehicle unlike those employed
5 helmet worn
6 traffic flows brought
7 risk of other vehicles in a way that kept the ride
8 Passengers roof or put

1000 permissible kasuraharu

1 ride runs without getting her driver's license
2 public place and if they hinder the goods or vehicles
3 accident and passenger vehicles to boost harmed or contact yet
4 inebriated ride runs
5 driver's license driving obliged person did not receive

1500 will be a fine of up kasuraharu

1 traffic signal or in violation of the vehicles employed by SOS
Ride 2 Ride sockets forbidden place or time adyaeko
3 Ride turn signal or sound or sound-padded given day ride the forbidden place
4 runs on the road the wrong side on behalf of the ride
5 ekatarphi street runs the opposite ride.
6 situation is not the right vehicle runs.
7 nirdharita gatibhanda ride runs more rapidly.
8 runs on lights at night .Oh ride.
9 driving forbidden place or time runs ride.
10 Number plate without vehicle runs.
11 vehicles weighing more than a place determined by the weight limits used a lightweight ride.
12 Box distractions or ride wearing a helmet runs.
13-wheelers, or a man who lived to describe how to determine the extent or degree of goods employed by more than one thread ride.
The driver refused to take public transportation by 14 passenger.
Rental rate set more than 15 rented vehicles employed.
Ride with 16 runs negligence.
The way the license without public transportation runs 17 paper.
18 driver's permit, vehicle registration book, driving license without a ride with runs

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