4 Sharks teens scramble to prey on dolphins off Cronulla Beach, Sydney WATCH VIDEO NEWS

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4 Sharks teens scramble to prey on dolphins off Cronulla Beach, Sydney

Posted by Anup Baral May 13, 2016 :
4 Sharks teens scramble to prey on dolphins off Cronulla Beach, Sydney The drone footage shows pod of dolphins hunting a shark near Cronulla After tiring the juvenile shark the leader locks jaws and pulls it underwater Drone flyer Bruno Kataoka captured the incredible scenes on Tuesday Experts say the species of dolphin sare rarely seen this close to the shore This is the amazing moment a pod of dolphins hunted down a shark and seized it with their jaws before pulling it to the ocean’s depths. The rare footage was captured by drone flyer Bruno Kataoka, who stumbled upon the feeding frenzy off the coast of Sydney’s Cronulla beach. Marine experts say the species of dolphin – known as false killer whales – are rarely sighted off Australia’s coast The pod of dolphin’s can be seen stalking the juvenile shark to tire it out before the leader lunges out and seizes the smaller shark with its jaws. ‘National Geographic guys would wait months to get such a thing,’ said drone photographer Bruno Kataoka, who captured the footage. ‘We just happened to be there at the right moment at the right time.’ Marine Biologist Georgina Wood said it was an extremely rare encounter to catch on camera so close to the shore.h it’s amazing, that kind of footage is just so rare to catch.” She said false killer whales are rarely spotted, despite being large numbers of them out the ocean The species got their name because they prey on other sea mammals, however they are not from the same genus as the more widely known killer whale. The Australian whale watching season kicks off later this month, with more 20,000 humpback whales alone expected to migrate down the countries east coast. Whale watching tour operators are considering taking drones along for their cruises to capture more incredible encounters with the giants of the deep. Pod of dolphins hunt down juvenile shark in Cronulla in amazing drone footage Daily Mail Online

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